Brochure Printing and Its Use

Brochures have gained increasing reliability as a business promotion tool being used for decades now as a means to produce effective communication between the company producing its products and services and the audience or customers.

The main advantage of using brochures is that you have complete control over the design, information, and layout. This implies that you have the choice for the message and how exactly it is displayed.

Brochure printing offers a relatively low cost of production while still have a great ability to reach out to a wide audience. Also, it should be kept in mind that customers find something tangible like a brochure more believable than some digital information that is stored on a server. Here are some uses of brochure printing:

These can be used to display the products produced by your company. Clean and clear product pictures will add value to your brochure and give a clear idea to the audience about what they can expect. It should be kept in mind that in the interest of saving cash on printing, cramming a lot of information in a brochure is not a good solution.

If you are a professional who sells services to the people, then you can take the advantage of brochure printing. Your brochure could include some bullet points in order to encourage people to take the services. You could also add some customer testimonials which give a description of the customer experiences.

Companies can use promotional brochures as a means to answer questions that are posed by customers. They may also include an action call inviting customers to make an order for a product or service or even take steps that can help the company resolve questions.

Travel brochures can be an effective way to express the itinerary of vacation including the highlights and the attractions of the different destinations. They could also include tips to travelers on saving money on hotels and airfare. High-quality photographs can add immense value to these brochures so that they create a view in the minds of the travelers about what they are going to get on their trip.

Brochure printing can also be of great use at events such as trade shows, conventions, club parties, concerts, etc that have the potential to develop business for the organization. The brochures could probably include mailing forms that are meant to invite its recipients to add to a mailing list or probably reply to enjoy some special offers.

It can be a fairly complex process but don’t feel overwhelmed, reach out to PrintArt today, and explain your needs.  Their customer service department will put together a cost-effective quote and help your vision come to reality!

PrintArt – Accurate Die Cutting
413 Interchange St.
McKinney, TX 75071

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Your Product is Not What You Sell

It is a common misconception among salespeople and businesses that what they sell is their product. Once you understand this is not correct and can see what your product truly is, you will be on a rocket ride to greater profits, happier customers, and a new outlook towards sales.

In a recent survey, numerous salespeople were asked directly what their product was and 96% of them stated that what they sold was their product. Let’s use a simple example to see why this not the case and can change the way you conduct business.

We will look at Mercedes Benz automobiles for ease of simplicity in our example. Salesman Joe is a proud salesman for Mercedes Benz Anytown and he has been an average salesperson for several years making a moderate income. When asked, “What is your product, Joe?” He responded, “The finest Mercedes Benz automobiles that are produced with the highest standards for quality, precision, and craftsmanship.” Joe stood proud as if he nailed a perfect 10 on the floor exercise in the Olympics. He was beaming with confidence and he felt like his response was perfect and impenetrable. As the questioner stood silently for several seconds, Joe the salesperson began to look for holes in his response. Then Joe was asked one simple question that began his transition from mediocrity to sales superstar.

The question was this: “Joe, is that your product or Mercedes Benz’ product?” Joe scratched his slightly balding head and began to search for an answer. He brought forth this response, “I guess it is Mercedes Benz product!” It produced an incredible “Oh my Word” moment for Joe.

He next began to wonder what his product really is and we began to brainstorm to see what his product is as a salesperson of Mercedes Benz high-quality automobiles.

As the person who asked the powerful question, I took Joe aside and sat down with my trusty dictionary and looked up the word “product”. We narrowed it down to “the desired result, to create anything having exchange value”.

Now we were moving forward with blazing speed. I next asked Joe the following questions to pull the correct response from him.

  • “Who will receive the Mercedes Benz Joe?”
  • “Do you want them to be happy?
  • “Do you want them to pay full price?”
  • “Do you want them driving a Mercedes home today?”
  • “Would you want them to send you referrals?”
  • “Would you want them to buy it again?”

Joe thought for a moment and he came up with some ideas and with a little guidance and support we came up with this as what his product REALLY is;


Joe’s mindset started to shift immediately. He realized his product was a satisfied customer who purchased what he sold and is so happy they will return to buy more and will refer others to him. From that day forward, Joe reminded himself before he greeted a prospect what his product really is and he closed more deals for more gross profit than anyone in his dealership for the next six months. In fact, he went on to be promoted to sales manager and he credits this one small change to his approach as the factor that led to his success.

My question to you is what is your product? How can you profit from this simple change of viewpoint to grow your sales and grow your business to new heights? Your product is NOT what you sell; it is what you produce as a result of your efforts.

Have a great selling day.

PrintArt – Accurate Die Cutting
413 Interchange St.
McKinney, TX 75071

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Do you have a special project that you need our help with? Just fill out this small form and let one of our representatives give you a call and talk about your project.